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St. Patrick’s Day Musical Fun: Engaging Activities for Preschoolers
I love celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with my classes. Children come to school dressed in green, the leprechaun creates some silly magic, and we have a fun-filled day of learning! Of course, this is also a day that requires active classroom management and creativity to foster the types of engagement we want. Below, you’ll find […]
Family New Year’s Resolutions: Add More Music to Your Life, Sing, & Move
As we embrace the dawn of 2024, the lingering pressure of family New Year’s resolutions beckons, with the familiar goals of sharing more family meals, limiting screen time, and reigning in the ever-expanding realm of scattered toys. Yet, rather than succumb to the overwhelming checklist that often leads to abandonment, let’s pivot our attention to […]
Kids and the Beat: The Benefits of Music Education in Early Childhood
Music is everywhere! It’s a universal language that unites us, lifting our spirits with its irresistible rhythm. From chuckling at a toddler’s endearing dance moves to the joy of children belting out their favorite tunes, music becomes a vibrant part of their growth. There are numerous benefits of music education in early childhood. It’s […]
Music Learning – Virtual?
At first, I was very skeptical and uncertain about teaching virtual music classes. If ever there was a moment to adapt to the times it was this past spring with the onset of the coronavirus. A new way We were all thrust into a new way of educating and learning, adapting with no notice. With […]
The Easiest Resolution for Parents in the New Year
As the New Year approaches, there can be a lot of pressure on parents to set intentions for the year ahead: eat more meals together, spend less time watching TV, find a solution for the ever-growing mountains of toys spread about the house… the list is endless, and the pressure can overwhelm us to the […]
Playful Children with Playful Adults
Playful Children Ah, play in the lives of children is simple and spontaneous! It teaches them so much about life, sharing with others, language acquisition and interacting with people and with their surroundings to name a few. Each playful scene is like a mini science experiment. I love watching the children in our Kids’ […]
Music is Everywhere!
As a new KMR semester approaches, this great weather has me in tune with how music is everywhere, from the spontaneous singing of children on the beach, the music in live events, to the music in cafés and restaurants. Ah! I just love it! Recently a colleague shared this picture from the Bishop Arts Center […]
Music Creates a Lasting Imprint on Your Heart
You ever wonder why you can sing along to the lyrics of virtually any song you listened to as a teenager, but have a difficult time remembering what you had for breakfast this morning? It’s a phenomenon not lost on Marilyn Schwartz, the co-founder of Kids’ MusicRound. “Isn’t it fantastic?” she said. “That’s what […]
Let Kids Improv with Music Play
Have you ever noticed that the simplest item in your house can become the most amazing toy for music play? Wrapping paper can be crinkled, torn, and turned into confetti. Paper cups can turn into drums, balls, and hats. Even a simple cardboard box can become a rocket ship or hiding place! This creativity is the […]
Can Mirror Neurons Help Children Learn Music?
Modeling is such a powerful tool in early childhood learning – including music education. Have you noticed children quickly like to imitate what they see? What’s at work in the brain when this happens? In the early 1990s, neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti, MD and his colleagues, from the University of Parma, first discovered mirror neurons in […]
Get Ready for Summer!
It’s here! Summertime is finally here! With school almost over it is time to let the summer planning begin! Summer is a time to soak in the family fun time and really create memories that will last a lifetime. Perhaps you want to take a day trip to the beach or a family adventure to […]
Exposing Children to All Kinds of Music
What music do you most enjoy listening to? Is there a favorite song that brings back memories of a place and time? Is it Top 40 or jazz – bluegrass, country or classical? Music is the universal language bringing all people together. Listening to different genres of music exposes the children’s ears to a wide […]
Making Transition Times Fun with Music
Young children do not have it as easy as it appears. Sure, they get to play all day, but having to switch from activity to activity on your schedule can be quite stressful for them. Whether you run a preschool or you simply want to make your children’s lives at home a little better, it […]
Musical Memories Are Everything
I wanted to share some insights we recently received from a parent on creating musical memories with her children. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. What is your favorite part of the day? For me, it is the moments that my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter is laughing, I am laughing, and we just […]
Is My Child Musical?
You may be surprised to learn every child is born a musical human being. Yes, every child! You don’t need to be a trained educator to recognize musical responses. Musical talent begins in the simplest ways. Parents can easily observe many signs. Recently in a mixed-age class of children, I watched with amazement at the […]
The Joy of Singing!
I thought you folks might want to see one of our students in action! She’s been coming to classes for a while and obviously loves them! I love having these kids want their moment!!! Please enjoy! Joyce Twinkle (You’ll need to open in a new tab/window and use QuickTime)
The Music Goes Round and Round . . .
Ever wonder how a name is chosen? Take Kids’ MusicRound, for example – a cute, very catchy name for a company specializing in teaching children’s music! I’ve never asked or just didn’t catch the thought process behind coming up with this terrific branding. Barbara told me the other day and it makes perfect sense! The […]
Do Your Own Thing
We talk with parents about this all the time! “Why doesn’t Timmy do what the other kids do?”, “Susie never opens her mouth in class, but sings the songs all the time at home!” Sound familiar? I know we always try to stress this to parents and care givers, but it always bears repeating. The […]
Dance Like No One is Watching!
That’s right! – Dance like no one is watching Children have no inhibitions – they always dance like no one is watching. Take a cue and join in. There are many reasons developmentally that participating in such activities are beneficial; they see you having a ball and this reinforces that what they are doing is […]
Hello, just want to say hello…
Since I’m going to be taking over the blog for Kids’ MusicRound, I thought the best thing to do is introduce myself. I’m a teacher for Kids’ MusicRound. I’ve taught for co-founder Marilyn Schwartz for the past two years and am now happy to be working with co-founder Barbara Lysenko, in NJ as well. […]
Parenting: The Importance of Music
Here’s a great story that appeared on WPVI about the importance of music. in your child’s development. May 11, 2011 (WPVI) — Music is crucially important to your children’s growth and happiness at every age. Experts say it helps their brains develop for short and long-term memory, playing an instrument, dexterity of their hands, math […]
Hooray for Earth Day!
Think Green this Friday, GreenRound that is. This Friday, April 22nd, the songs in our spring GreenRound Collection can help celebrate Earth Day. Our GreenRound collection includes songs and chants about bunnies, cows, bees, ladybugs, rain and gardens. A perfect song to celebrate this day is “Savez-Vous Planter les Choux”. This French song talks about […]
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from the Kids MusicRound family. Fun Facts: St. Patrick’s Day is a national holiday in Ireland where the festivities last for four days. The first St. Patrick’s Day parade took place in 1737 in Boston. New York City held it’s first parade in 1762. In Chicago, the Chicago River is filled […]
This Valentine’s Day Send Love Through Song
Do you love somebody? Bet you do. We all have someone special in our lives. Singing songs is a way to express our love and affection. Children in particular respond to catchy tunes when sung by their loved one. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to give the gift of song. One of my favorite songs […]
Music and Language Connection on Brain Development
Some food for thought regarding the partnership of music and language on brain development. Excerpts from ChildCareExchange.com by Pam Shiller 12/20/10 “Linguists, psychologists, and neuro-scientists have recently changed their long held opinion about the relationship between speaking and singing. The latest data show that music and language are so intertwined that an awareness of music […]
Seasons Greetings From Kids MusicRound
As another year draws to a close, we thank all of our families for bringing Kids MusicRound into their lives. We are also grateful to the followers of our blog, Facebook and twitter messages. We plan to bring you more updates, research and fun tidbits this coming year. Best wishes for peace, good health and […]
Cuddle Up Tight! It’s Kids’ MusicRound PJ Night.
Kids’ MusicRound Annual PJ Musical Story Time. Bring your family out to this fun-filled night featuring a live storybook presentation, movement activities and songs presented by Kids’ MusicRound teachers and special guest, Miss Amy Otey! Kids can wear their favorite pajamas. When: Tuesday, December 7th Time: 6:15pm Where: Princeton Community Church Ages: All ages Fee: $5 per family. FREE […]
Music Activities: Make Popcorn Funtime
Did you know October is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month? Popcorn isn’t just a healthy snack, it’s great for making crafts too. Why not celebrate the last few days of October by creating your very own popcorn kernel rain stick? Many countries and ethnic groups believed that if they shook bamboo type hollow sticks with seeds […]
Parent and Child Bonding: Autumn Fun
Brisk, crisp autumn air hits my face as I walk out my front door. Fall is here! It’s the perfect time to get outside and explore the changes in the trees, animals and life around us. If you live in the north east, the leaves are turning from green to burnished red, bright orange, gold […]
Childhood Development: Let’s Give A Hand To Hand-Clapping Songs
The first-ever study of hand-clapping songs reveals a direct link between children’s songs and clapping games in the development of important skills in children and young adults. (Science Daily) The study was conducted by Dr. Idit Solkin, a member of Israel’s Ben-Gurion University’s Music Science Lab in the Department of the Arts. She found that […]
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Mommy and Me: Hello and Welcome
Hello and Welcome to our very first Kids’ MusicRound blog. This blog will be another way for Kids’ MusicRound to share our love of music with you. We look forward to bringing you fun facts and the latest research about music and early childhood development. In Kids’ MusicRound classes, we sing about different cultures and travel to distant […]
Protected: Song Book & Music Tracks: Summer 2014
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