May 24, 2011
Here’s a great story that appeared on WPVI about the importance of music. in your child’s development. May 11, 2011 (WPVI) — Music is crucially important to your children’s growth and happiness at every age. Experts say it helps their brains develop for short and long-term memory, playing an instrument, dexterity of their hands, math […]
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October 26, 2010
Did you know October is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month? Popcorn isn’t just a healthy snack, it’s great for making crafts too. Why not celebrate the last few days of October by creating your very own popcorn kernel rain stick? Many countries and ethnic groups believed that if they shook bamboo type hollow sticks with seeds […]
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October 5, 2010
The first-ever study of hand-clapping songs reveals a direct link between children’s songs and clapping games in the development of important skills in children and young adults. (Science Daily) The study was conducted by Dr. Idit Solkin, a member of Israel’s Ben-Gurion University’s Music Science Lab in the Department of the Arts. She found that […]
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September 21, 2010
Hello and Welcome to our very first Kids’ MusicRound blog. This blog will be another way for Kids’ MusicRound to share our love of music with you. We look forward to bringing you fun facts and the latest research about music and early childhood development. In Kids’ MusicRound classes, we sing about different cultures and travel to distant […]
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