Kids' MusicRound with Miss Andrea

4987 E. Rolling Glen Drive, Pipersville. PA 18947

Andrea Wheatley


Tuition Details Includes MP3 streaming and semester music and songbook downloads.

1st Child$130.00 for the entire family

The cost for the 6 week semester is $130 total for the entire family. You can venmo me @andreakmr3 prior to the first class.

Summer Semester 2024

I will be offering classes over 6 weeks on Wednesday mornings and evenings outside in Plumsteadville.  The Wednesday classes will be held in my front yard at 10:00am, 11:00am and 6:00pm. The cost is $130.00 per family.  Additional classes may be added.

Kids' MusicRound is a fun-filled award winning music and movement experience for infants, toddlers and preschoolers through age 5 years.  Our music classes include activities designed to promote musical learning across ages.

Each class provides interaction and musical play between caregivers and children, in a fun-filled, non-performance environment.  We'll sing, dance, and play with various child-safe rhythm instruments. Classes are approximately 40 minutes in length.  All registered families receive our musical collection via download for the semester, which includes traditional and original compositions from all over the world!

 Hope your family can join us! 



Doylestown: Ms. Andrea’s Front Yard- Summer Semester

4987 E. Rolling Glen Drive, Pipersville, PA 18947

Class Day Time Start Date Teacher Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
MusicRound® (Newborn - 5) Wednesday 10:00AM June 19, 2024 Wheatley, Andrea
MusicRound® (Newborn - 5) Wednesday 11:00AM June 19, 2024 Wheatley, Andrea