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About children’s music education classes and group activities for preschoolers, infants and toddlers. Visit our list of locations to find a class.
Can both my children attend the same music class?
Yes. The Kids’ MusicRound community-style classes take place in a parent-child, family-style setting to allow for multiple siblings to enjoy music at the same time.
Does each child need to be accompanied by an adult?
No. It is quite common for two children to be accompanied by one adult. It is up to the comfort level of the attending adult. Participation is not limited to a parent. It is acceptable for a helper or grandparent to assist with the second child.
Why would I want a mixed-age music class for my child?
The Kids’ MusicRound class is designed to foster a musical interaction between the child and the adult. Our class is developmentally appropriate, allowing every child to explore the activity at their own pace and progress to the next stage of music development on their own timetable. In addition, mixed-age classes provide children with the opportunity to interact with groups of different ages, to be models for younger children and have older children, parents and teachers model for them.
My child is quite active. Will this be distracting?
Each child will approach the class activity using his or her own unique learning style and developmental stage. We respect all learning styles. Some children learn through watching and listening, while others like to touch or just be up moving. Every child is different. However, we do encourage the adult to participate in class and to monitor their child’s safety. Adult modeling is so important that each adult should do their best to relax and have fun!
My child is shy and watches during class. Should I wait until my child is older to enroll in the program?
No. Each child will approach the music and movement activities using his or her own unique learning style and developmental stage. Some children are auditory or visual learners. Many parents report how their child watches in class, but does everything at home. Children learn very differently than we do. But regardless of learning style, your child is absorbing everything. Keep playing the music and singing at home. Your positive modeling will make a lasting impact on your child and give your child encouragement to participate.
How will my infant benefit from music class activities?
Babies begin feeling the beat in their little bodies from the earliest age, and they are amazing! By the time they start to walk, they are already moving to the beat. All children are born with music intelligence or music ability. The best time to nurture this innate talent is at birth. Research shows us that musical intelligence will atrophy if not stimulated. An environment abundant in musical experiences and activities will sustain your baby’s musical gifts. In addition, this is a wonderful time for musical bonding with your baby. Babies do just fine in either an infant music class or a mixed-age class setting. Your teacher will help you adjust the activities.
What role does the adult play in class?
The KMR class is not a play group. Children develop a positive disposition to music by watching your joy. The adults are encouraged to participate at their comfort level, keeping in mind that their child looks to them for an example of joyful music-making. The main interaction is between you and your child. There are no wrong answers in our classes. We do ask the adults to respectively refrain from excess conversation during class and silent cell phones so everyone receives the maximum benefits from our interactive music program.
In what ways will my child develop by attending this class?
Your child is born with musical intelligence. Research has shown that an environment abundant in playful music activities will nurture and sustain that intelligence. First and foremost, Kids’ MusicRound is focused on developing the necessary skills of keeping beat and singing in tune (basic music competence). Participation in music also helps to develop coordination, self-confidence, social skills and language development.
Is this class experience worth the investment?
Absolutely! If you want your infant or toddler to participate in any formal music education endeavors at a later date, whether it is a private lesson, dance class, singing or musical theater, this is the most important music education your child will receive. The benefits will last a lifetime and learning and moving to music will become second nature.
Does the music change each semester?
Kids’ MusicRound has created nine collections rotated over three years. The three summer collections are compilations of favorite activities. If you are repeating a collection with a second child or even the second time with the first child, remember that although you may be familiar with the music, it is a completely new experience for your child. Even the returning child will approach all the activities with a new perspective and insight.
How often should we listen to the class music outside of the classroom?
You receive one CD and a link to download the MP3s. Use one CD for home and download the music for the car or for grandma’s house. Play the class music as often as you can. Children learn through repetition. Your child will begin to develop preferences and favorites. Sing along and participate with your child as much as you can. Make music an everyday choice and daily routine. This is when the Kids’ MusicRound experience will have the biggest impact.
What should I do with the songbook?
There are many ways you can use the songbook. If there is an instrument hiding in your closet, take it out, dust it off and play the music from the book. Your child will delight in hearing you play. Color in the pictures along with your child. With older children, you can jump off from the current picture and begin to create additional pictures, lyrics and music. Sing through the songbook as a storybook. A download link is provided so you can print the songbook at home.
What is the purpose of the jam session at the end of class?
Maria Montessori writes, ” play is a child’s work.” The Kids’ MusicRound philosophy fully supports this idea. One of the key elements in the program is the time children are given to freely play and explore. By giving infants, toddlers and preschoolers this opportunity, we are meeting one of the National Standards for music education. It states that children must be given the opportunity to improvise. We are also giving parents and teachers the opportunity to observe and assess what the child is learning. Most importantly, it gives parents, teachers and children another time to have fun and play with music!
What are my teacher's qualifications?
All teachers are professionally trained by Kids’ MusicRound. These energetic, caring individuals share a love of both children and music and work to provide you with the best experience possible. Prior to the start of every semester, the teachers meet to collaborate together on music and teaching strategies, continuing their training every year. You can visit the faculty link for specific information about your teacher.
What if I can't make all ten classes or if my schedule changes?
Please check with your center director for specific policy regarding make-up classes.
What types of instruments will we use in class?
In class, you and your child will experience the touch and feel of rhythm instruments specifically designed for tiny hands. We introduce a variety of drums, egg shakers, triangles, rhythm sticks and more.
Will my child learn to read music in this class?
The KMR experience focuses on experiential learning. Our goal is not formal reading. We immerse the children in music by engaging them in developmentallyappropriate activities. When children jump, twist, wiggle, dance and sing, they are beginning to internalize the basic skills of keeping beat and singing in tune. Once these skills are mastered, children are ready to move on to the formal skills of reading and writing music.