Music With Sandy

2636 Bristol Pike - Unit 4 Bensalem, PA 19020

Sandy Henriques


Tuition Details Includes MP3 streaming and semester music and songbook downloads.

1st Child$225.00
Additional Siblings $50/sibling
Infant SiblingsFREE

Please pre-register for all classes by filling out Google Form (link attached) Registration includes music instruction and a music download

Winter 2025!

Winter 2025 classes in Bensalem and Langhorne start January 7th

Click link here to register for classes

Hello KMR Families!

I am looking forward to a great fall semester and cooler weather!  My classes are in Bensalem at Bucks County Dance Center and in Langhorne at Playpad Bucks

So come on in and join me for some great fun in a musical community!  Sing, clap, bounce, dance, and jump along with your child.  Music creates smiles that are very contagious in a very good way!

Questions???  The best way to reach me is by TEXT at 215-397-7871 or you can email me at

Payments can be made through Venmo @Sandy_Henriques (please put child name in comments only), check payable to Sandy Henriques, cash, or credit card (3% charge will be applied)








: Langhorne: Playpad Bucks

860 Town Center Drive, Langhorne, PA 19047

Class Day Time Start Date Teacher Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
MusicRound® (Newborn - 5) Tuesday 10:00AM Jan 7, 2025 Henriques, Sandy
MusicRound® (Newborn - 5) Wednesday 10:00AM Jan 8, 2025 Henriques, Sandy

Bensalem: Bucks County Dance Center

2636 Bristol Pike - Unit 4

Class Day Time Start Date Teacher Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
MusicRound® (Newborn - 5) Friday 09:30AM Jan 10, 2025 Henriques, Sandy
MusicRound® (Newborn - 5) Friday 10:30AM Jan 10, 2025 Henriques, Sandy
MusicRound® (Newborn - 5) Sunday 11:15AM Jan 12, 2025 Henriques, Sandy